Less toxic may be a better title but "Non-toxic New Year" has
such a nice ring to it!
The following tips will help you make 2015 is the
healthier year for you and your family.
Know what’s
in the stuff you buy. As a general rule, if you can’t pronounce it, you
may not want to eat it or put it on your body. The Environmental Working Group has a variety of
consumer guides to help you find the least toxic options for foods, pesticides in produce, personal care products, cleaning product, meat, sunscreen
and more. These guides are helpful and easy-to-use!
Buy less
stuff! This builds on the tip above – do you need five moisturizing
skin products or can coconut oil (one amazing ingredient!) take the place of
many of them? The less stuff you buy, the less stuff you have to figure out
safety ratings for! Also, the less stuff you have to pay for and that you have to
dispose of. Before you buy something ask yourself – Do I need to buy this? How
often will I use it? What will it add to my life? Is there something healthier
that can fill this need?

Wash hands
often. Similar to the tip above, washing
hands in soap and water keeps toxins from the toxic world out of our eyes,
nose and mouth. Think of all the items you touch each day and what kind of
toxins from dust could be on them. As you probably know, washing hands can
prevent the spread of illness. Washing hands is especially important before
eating and after using the restroom.
Get rid of
what you have, safely! HazoHouse
is the location to dispose of unwanted household hazardous products for free.
Anything with the words Caution, Warning, Danger or Poison on the label should
be disposed of at HazoHouse to protect our health and our drinking water.
If you make one change at a time, eventually you will develop habits that reduce your exposure to toxins throughout your daily life! A new year is a great time to start.
If you have questions or would like some guidance, please call us. We love to help!(360) 867-2674
Happy New Year!