In Thurston County, we aren’t strangers to winter storms.
Days of heavy rainfall, power outages, and strong winds are all too familiar to
many of us. But many of us need reminders for how to prepare and how to respond
in these situations. So let’s review the basics of winter storms.
Make a plan.
Having a plan that your household is familiar with allows for you to feel
more in control of the situation, to remain calm, and to think more clearly.
Plan for the three Ps – People, Pets, and Property. This Family
Communication Plan from FEMA can help you organize phone numbers to call in
case of emergency. Many cell phones have a special contact list for emergency
contacts. This can be a helpful tool to have your emergency contacts readily
available, but keep in mind that cell phone batteries die and a hard copy
doesn’t need batteries. When planning for people, think about any special
medical needs your family has and make a plan to cover them. Get to know your
neighbors so that you can share resources and help each other in an emergency.
Planning for your pets is important too. Watch this short video by FEMA.
Plan escape routes and household meeting spots. If your home is taller than
ground level, plan to use an escape ladder. Make sure everyone in your
household understands the escape routes and how to use associated equipment. Or
better yet, hold practice drills!
Plan for your property. First things first, learn how to
safely shut off natural gas, water, and electricity here. Do a walkthrough of
your property to identify areas of potential hazard in a storm. Look for trees
that have branches that could fall on structures and keep them well-pruned. If
you cannot access the branches safely, hire a professional. Look for one that
is licensed, bonded, and insured. Be familiar with locations of gas, water, and
electricity lines on your property and where hazardous
materials are stored.
You can’t predict where you will be when an emergency occurs.
Have a plan for different
Build a kit.
A disaster kit should have enough supplies for everyone for at least
three days.
- Here are the basics of what a kit should include:
- Water – one gallon per person for at least three days.
- Food – at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food.
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio with extra batteries.
- Flashlights, headlamps, and extra batteries.
- First aid kit – include any necessary prescription medication.
- Whistle to signal for help.
- Dust masks to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place.
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities.
- Manual can opener.
- Local maps.
- Cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger.
- Pet food.
- Matches in a waterproof container.
- Extra clothing.
- Copies of important family documents (identification cards, insurance and bank account records) in waterproof container.
- Hand-wipes, alcohol based hand sanitizer, paper towels.
- Games, puzzles, books.
Be cautious.
In severe weather, be cautious of the steps you take in the situation. Be
aware of your surroundings – above you, around you, and below you. Avoid
standing water, wires and power lines, and large trees that could have limbs
ready to fall. Be aware of hazardous materials that may have spilled or had
their containers broken in the storm. To reduce the risk of hazardous exposure
during storms, take unused and unwanted household hazardous products to HazoHouse
at your earliest convenience. When you need to use a hazardous product for
something, only purchase the amount you need. This will help minimize the
amount of hazardous materials you have stored at home. When returning home
after an evacuation be sure to follow these steps to

Being prepared can reduce stress and anxiety when an
emergency arises. Preparing for emergencies can help you make the most of a bad
situation. When the next big storm comes our way, you will be glad you prepared
for it!