In 2007, water quality concerns in Henderson Inlet
triggered the formation of the Henderson Shellfish Protection District Septic Maintenance
Program. Fecal coliform bacteria was found in the water and shellfish grown in
Henderson Inlet at levels that could make people sick. The shellfish protection
district created programs to educate the public, inventory local septic systems
and help county staff make sure that all septic systems in the area are taken
care of and that failing systems are fixed. The program is funded by a charge
to people who live in the Henderson Shellfish Protection Area. This program is
one of several water quality improvement projects undertaken by community partners.
Has this
program worked?
Yes! Hundreds of acres of shellfish growing area have
been reopened because of water quality improvements. Over 86% of the septic
systems in Henderson are current with inspections and maintenance. This is one
of the highest success rates in the Puget Sound area.
The work
success of the past 10 years needs to be sustained as our population
continues to grow and change. Our region is known for its access to beautiful
waterways, mountains, and streams. Henderson Shellfish Protection Area is an
example of teamwork in the community working to keep our citizens, our precious
resources and our economy healthy.
changes to the program
- The program currently requires that high risk septic systems be dye traced every six years. The new proposal changes this to every nine years. A review of the data shows that the county could reduce the frequency of dye traces and still protect public health.
- The proposal adds a $10 charge on properties that have more than one septic system. This charge helps pay for the time needed to review records and oversee the monitoring and maintenance of these additional systems.
- Increase charges $2/year for low and $6/year for high risk systems. This extra money will help reduce dependency on grants so that grants can be used in other high priority areas in the county.
- Strengthen water quality monitoring through a Pollution and Identification Correction or PIC program. Adding PIC allows the county to respond to complaints and further investigate documented water quality problems in streams or shellfish monitoring stations.