Watch for hazards in visitors’ suitcases and purses. Kids can make their way into a bedroom searching bags and purses for treasures while you are still heating up the cider. Anything dangerous such as personal care products, medications, and shaving razors, should always be kept out of the reach of children.
Check the bathrooms
for hazards. It may seem like daily bathroom items are safe enough – but
aerosol and pump sprays, perfumes, medications, and shaving razors can be
dangerous to children.
Look for tripping
hazards. The very young and the very old may have some difficulties
walking. Tidy up any tripping hazards such as cords and knickknacks. Consider
removing small slippery throw rugs that might bunch up and trip someone. Don’t
forget to do this outside where people will be walking.
Clean the floors
before small children come over. Little kids spend a lot of time on or near
the ground. For deep carpet vacuuming, pass the vacuum over the same area 25
times. For hard surface floors, vacuum or sweep and then dust it with a
water-dampened cloth.
Look for choking hazards. Check for small items that children might try to put in their mouths. It may not look appealing to you, but children see things differently. You’d be surprised what can look like candy.
Look for choking hazards. Check for small items that children might try to put in their mouths. It may not look appealing to you, but children see things differently. You’d be surprised what can look like candy.
Make sure any firearms, lighters, knives, and other dangers are safely stored. It may seem like a child is old enough to know not to touch certain things, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Have the phone number for Poison Control handy: 1-800-222-1222
Accidents happen, but let’s do what we can to prevent them. Happy safe and healthy holidays to all!
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