On your next
trip to the supermarket, on a rainy day, take a look at the parking lot as you walk
into the store. Chances are you’ll see puddles, and even some water flowing
across the parking lot. All that water is headed directly into one of the storm
drains located throughout the parking lot.
Where the
water goes from there depends on when the shopping center was built, as
regulations and design standards for handling stormwater have changed over the
years. However, regardless of the different types of piping, catch basins and
ponds the water flows through, the water will either flow into the ground to filter
into an underground
aquifer, or be directed to the nearest creek, stream, or river.
Most people
recognize storm drains when they see them, but they probably don’t realize how
closely connected they are to the creeks, streams, and rivers that we enjoy for
fishing and recreation. That close link is important to keep in mind when we’re
thinking about how to dispose of household
hazardous wastes.
Old or unwanted
household products, such as motor
oil, pesticides
and herbicides, and leftover paints and stains
should never be dumped into storm drains, ditches, or stormwater ponds. Once
dumped, pollutants make the dizzying journey through the stormwater system
during rain storms. These pollutants can make groundwater and surface water
unhealthy for human contact and consumption, as well as harming the plants and
animals living in our creeks, streams and rivers.
While people
may not think they are doing anything wrong because “…there’s not enough oil to
make it to the river…”, or “…I was told that latex paint isn’t a hazardous
waste…” ANY material in a
stormwater conveyance other than rain water is a pollutant.
For more
information about safeguarding stormwater in Thurston County, please visit: www.co.thurston.wa.us/stormwater/.
Disposing of
hazardous products properly is something we can do to help keep our environment
safer for people, animals, and plants.
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