By Elisa
Sparkman, Education and Outreach Specialist

If there is
one thing that I can say I have learned since I began working for this public
health department it is that washing your hands is really as important as they
say. Actually I would say that it is even more
important than they say! And I will answer the question you are probably
thinking, No, I am not germophobic. I finally understand and
appreciate how much hand washing does for us.
The fact
that washing your hands well can reduce the spread of disease is probably not
new to you. Bacteria gets on our hands easily from touching everyday items like
hand rails, gas pumps, crosswalk buttons, toys, raw unwashed food, and our
Did you know
that frequent and thorough hand washing can also reduce your exposure to toxic
chemicals? Toxic chemicals and metals from pollution float around in the air
and make their way into dirt and into indoor
air and dust.
Toxic chemicals from agricultural, industrial, and residential pesticide
application also make their way into homes as dust. Think about all of the
dusty or dirt-covered items you touch each day. There is a good chance that
toxic chemicals wind up on your hands and on many items you touch. We touch our
faces, our lips, our water bottles, our phones, our computers, our food... you see where
I am going with this? Washing your hands is important.
To be sure
you are washing your hands well
follow these simple rules.
- Rub and scrub with soap for 20 seconds (singing the ABCs or Happy Birthday twice).
- Use warm water.
- Tip hands downward so water rinses the suds and yucky stuff off of your hands.
- If possible, turn the faucet off with a paper towel.
- At home, sanitize faucet handles often.
So when anybody asks me what the one thing is that I've learned since I started working at the health department I say, “Washing your hands is really as important, if not, more important, than they say!”
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