By Jennifer
Johnson, Education & Outreach Specialist

From what I read
and stories that I hear, lead is the biggest concern for small bodies in
Christmas décor. Artificial trees tend
to be extremely high in lead. Christmas
lights tend to be fairly high in lead.
Red napkins (yes, really) tend to be high in lead from the red dye used to
make them so cheery. The best way to
deal with these concerns is to avoid them!
If the decorations that have been carefully hid away in your attic or
grandma’s attic for much of the year are must-do holiday traditions, make sure
that hands are washed very well with soap
and water after touching any of these possible lead sources. Make sure that kids are not handling
artificial trees and lights, and no one should dab at their dribbling chins
with red napkins.
Another way to
protect small bodies from lead is to damp dust regularly. Lead (and lots of other really scary things)
hangs out in the dust in our homes.
Children tend to play on the floor more than adults and their toys and
fingers seem to always be in or near their mouths. We want to make sure that
those little hands and what they touch are as clean as possible.
Children are
more susceptible to the harmful effects of lead because their bodies are still
developing. Lead builds up in bodies; this is why there is no safe dose of
lead. Thankfully, lead has been taken out of gasoline, paint, and we are still trying
to get it out of children’s toys once and for all. Lead affects the way that bodies and brains
work and regular exposure to it, even if it’s only seasonally, is not good for
kids, or anyone else.
For more safe holiday ideas visit our website on Holiday Recycling Tips.
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