Now, Carrie
has joined forces with Jennifer Johnson of Thurston County’s Environmental
Health Division to coordinate another piece of educational community art for
Olympia’s 2014 Spring Arts Walk. The project is called, “Rise Above Plastics:
The Butterfly Effect.” The name of the project comes from the Butterfly Effect
theory - that a small change in a complex system can have large effects
Carrie and
Jennifer have presented to over 600 Thurston County students about the waste and health concerns of plastics. Students
made butterflies with repurposed plastic juice pouches. The presentations
emphasize individual actions that create a butterfly effect of positive change
in the world. Students learn about important choices such as using glass or
stainless steel water bottles, taking re-usable bags shopping, and never
heating food or storing hot food in plastic containers.
The unique, youth-designed,
hanging art installation will be featured at the newly renovated Washington
Center for the Performing Arts at Olympia’s 2014
Spring Arts Walk on April 25-26. It can be viewed there through June 2014.
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