When: Wednesday
April 23, 2014 from 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: Rochester
Middle School Commons
9937 Highway
12 SW
Rochester, WA
(children's area provided)
The Scatter Creek
Aquifer is susceptible to contamination because soils in the area do not filter
out contaminants well. Unlike many other areas, there is not another deeper
aquifer below the Scatter Creek Aquifer; it is the only source of drinking
water for area residents. The project is assessing the impacts of septic
systems on groundwater quality in the area. The community and government have done much over the years to protect
water resources. This project continues
those efforts by evaluating the effect of septic systems on the aquifer as the
area becomes more residential.
The project monitors
groundwater to check on current conditions, uses scientific groundwater
computer modeling to predict potential future impacts to the aquifer, and works
with the community to recommend strategies to protect drinking water now and in
the future. For more information visit the
project website. http://www.co.thurston.wa.us/health/ehsc/index.html
This event
is an opportunity for the community to learn more about the project and provide
input. For more information, or to get
updates email ScatterCreek@co.thurston.wa.us
or call (360) 867-2582.
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